This page seems to exist 

Alexander Favorov's homepage

It's me (on left)

My projects

Yet Another Digging For DNA Motifs Gibbs Sampler (SeSiMCMC) page

APSampler: using Monte Carlo Markov Chain for identifying of genetic background of complex diseases


Genometric Correlation (GenometriCorr): an R package for spatial correlation of genome-wide interval datasets

My publications

List is here; if page numbers in Russian and English versions differ they are shown as two different references.

Some useful links

Bioinformatics, statistics, etc


Previous version of my page (it was just a collection of links)

Celtic Web ArtThanks to Celtic Web Art (the site does not exist any more)

[E-Mail]E-mail me if you are sure you want to do it.

Разводка мостов в Петербурге